Kevin Haller’s moniker for the variety of artistic and musical endeavors is Burning Artist(s) Sale.
Alter egos include Killer Haven, a grizzled guitar slinging rocker that prefers to stay in his bunker making videos.
KVpop writes catchy hooks, but until recently was too afraid to let friends or colleagues help him put finishing touches on his compositions.
K love writes music intended for dance clubs old and new.
eleK troniK is an ambient and experimental sound sculptor.
Burning Artist occasionally performs as a solo artist (and is even sometimes usurped by Killer Haven), but prefers the dynamic of group interaction.
Recent musical involvement has been with the Robert Cheatham Quartet, a regrouped BAS (w/ Barbara Vesey), both City Skies & Different Skies “All Star” jams, and a re-united Amalgamated Cliff Divers. Burning Artist is proud to have played at EYEDRUM’s First Thursday Open Improv for more years than he can remember.
Past bands have included GFE, Random Violets, Harper Fragment, Empty V, MASTERCOW, and TOAST.